About Us

Mission Statement

The Dawson Area Chamber of Commerce unites over 100 businesses, creating a strong voice that empowers our members to achieve economic success and sustain a high-quality of life.

The Dawson Area Chamber of Commerce improves our community by providing to our members:

  • Professional networking on a local, state and national level
  • Referral information given to potential customers/residents exclusively on Chamber Member only
  • Dawson Bonus Bucks to anyone who requests them-ONLY Chamber Members can accept Bonus Bucks these dollars help to keep spending in our community. Several businesses give Dawson Bonus Bucks for holidays and to reward good work
  • Provides a current membership directory for area residents, business and those interested in coming to our community
  • You can put your event information on our website, our Community Electronic Sign and in our newsletters.
  • Opportunities to combine advertising for several annual events
  • Educational information to our members at meetings
  • Free bulk-mailing available only to our Members


Chamber Meetings

Bi-Monthly Meetings for the Dawson Area Chamber of Commerce are held the first Thursday of every other month at Noon at the Dawson City Building.  For Reservations call (320)769-2981 or email [email protected].


Board of Directors

President: Crystal Bothun

Vice President: Karen Collins

Treasurer: John Nevins

Directors: Monica Bothun, Clyde Dessonville, Dave Hickey, Sharon Johnsrud,  Emma Weber

For more information call (320)769-2981 or email [email protected]

Our office is located in the NE corner of the Minnwest Bank building. 

Dawson Chamber of Commerce
579 Pine Street
Dawson, MN 56232